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Quick Overview


  • Responsable élu du site École Centrale Lyon de l'Institut Camille Jordan; À ce titre, membre statutaire du conseil de laboratoire de l'Institut Camille Jordan et membre statutaire du comité de direction de l'École Centrale Lyon.
  • Chercheur associé au CERMICS, École Ponts ParisTech;
  • Collaborateur externe de l'équipe OCKHAM, INRIA Lyon;
  • Membre élu du conseil scientifique de l'École Centrale Lyon;
  • Membre nommé du conseil scientifique de l'Institut Camille Jordan;
  • Membre élu du conseil du Département Maths-Info de l'École Centrale Lyon;
  • Membre du bureau SciDoLySE: Science des Données à Lyon et Saint-Etienne.
  • Membre nommé du conseil des thèses de l'École Centrale Lyon;
  • Membre des ANR JCJC "CIPRESSI", "PIECES" et "GrandMa";

Teaching Duties

  • Course on Machine Learning (2A @ELC);
  • Course on Convexity and Parsimony (3A @ECL joint with Master 2 MeA (Lyon 1))


My (almost complete list of) publications can be found on this list of publications (type and year)

I provide below of list of publications by subjects (Sparse models & Mathematical Statistics)

Sparse models: High-Dimension (L1); Measures (TV); Variational (TV gradient)

Mathematical Statistics, Learning, and Applications

Ph.D. Sutdents

  • Romane GIARD (ECL, Starting October 2024) with Clément Marteau; Towards optimal statistical bounds and algorithms for Unsupervised Learning;
  • Clément REMILLIEUX (start 2025); Continuous Sparse Neural Networks;
  • Antoine SIMOES (CDSN ENS Lyon, Starting September 2022) with Joseph Salmon; High-Dimensional Statistics and MCP methods;
  • Martin GJORGJEVSKI (ANR GrandMa, Starting September 2022) with Nicolas Keriven and Simon Barthelmé; Signal on Graphs;
  • Ahmed EL RAFY (CIFRE, Starting September 2022) with Marc Jacob; ML for Acoustic and Fluids Mechanics modeling;
  • Guillaume DALLE (IPEF, 2019-2022) with Axel Parmentier; OR and ML; Now Researcher at Ponts ParisTech;
  • Quentin DUCHEMIN (DIM Math Innov, 2019-2022) with Claire Lacour; Random Graphs and Post-Selection Inference; Now Researcher at SDSC (EPFL);
  • Romain PETIT (DIM Math Innov, 2019-2022) with Vincent Duval; Off-the-grid methods; Now Post-Doc at DMI ENS Paris;
  • Antoine VILLIÉ (LBBE, 2019-2022) with Laurent Jacob; Kernel Post-Selection Inference;
  • Ernesto ARAYA (Orsay grant, 2017-2020); Random Graphs; Now Post-Doc at INRIA Lille; Senior Reserchear at Aurobac Therapeuthics
  • Jiali MEI (ÉDF CIFRE, 2014-2017) with Jean-Marc Azaïs, Yannig Goude and Georges Hébrail; "Time series recovery and prediction with regression-enhanced nonnegative matrix factorization applied to electricity consumption"; Prix Paul Caseau de l'académie des sciences, 2018; Senior Researcher at BNP Paribas.


  • Gaël Poux (2025-2026), Bio-Statistics at IARC, WHO.
  • Nicolas Jouvin (2021), Sparse regularization on measures. Now Chargé de Recherche @INRAE;
  • Luca Mencarelli (2018-2020), Matrix factorization for Time Series;
  • Guillaume Mijoule (2018-2019), Semi-dicreste Optimal Transport. Now Data Scientist in Paris Greater Area.


My office hours are on Monday 1pm-3pm room E6203.


Spring 2023 First class Professor (say, Full Professor) by CNU (French Applied Mathematicians peers)
2022 - 2027 Junior member of Institut universitaire de France
Since 2019 Professor at Institut Camille Jordan, École Centrale Lyon
2018-2019 Permanent Senior Researcher at CERMICS, École Ponts ParisTech
2017-2018 Invited Researcher at Inria Paris, MOKAPLAN Team
Nov. 2016 H.D.R (say, Associate/tenured Professorship *degree*)
2012-2016 Maître de Conférences at Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay
Dec. 2011 Ph.D. thesis
2008-2012 Ph.D. at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse with J.-M. Azaïs and F. Barthe
2004-2009 Student at École Normale Supérieure


  • +33 (0)4 72 18 67 90
  • Institut Camille Jordan
    École Centrale de Lyon
    36 Avenue Guy de Collongue
    69134 Écully, France